Budget Hotels in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Russia, Baltics, Ukraine etc


What is our Booking Engine?
Booking Engine is an online booking engine, suitable for any accommodation website.

How does it work?
Using our Booking Engine you can accept and manage bookings for your property on your own website.
Booking Engine is free to set up - you pay just a minimal cost per booking other options include setting booking engine to collect extra booking fee on every booking or payment of annual fee that is determined separately based on number of beds or rooms in your property.

What are the benefits?
- Accept your own REAL-TIME online bookings - professional and high value add-on for your website
- Total control of your availability and prices at all times
- Convenient for the client availability calender and room price display
- Fully automated booking process including possible cancellations by the client or by administrator
- Cancelled bookings automatically release rooms back to the available for booking rooms quota
- Fully automated Booking History record for every booking
- Accept Group Bookings
- Special Offers, Packages, Extra services (transfers, City Cards etc) are sellable through the system too, generating even more income
- Unlimited Room / Beds Types
- Online printable leaflet  
- Reports based on multiple criteria
- Customers receive unlimited season regular rates (High/Low/Middle/etc)
- Use features such as minimum length of stay, release periods, special offers and more.
- Accept credit card payments
- Comprehensive security with 128-Bit SSL encryption
- Your Booking Engine will be fully integrated with our booking portal, giving you extra possibilities of promoting your property in worldwide internet and in Google.

Booking Engine examples

Budget Hotel , Budget Hotel 2

Contact us for more details